Articole Blog Marfuri periculoase TMS WMS

Nu lăsați mărfurile periculoase să vă pericliteze procesele

Ca furnizor de servicii logistice, doriți să vă serviți clienții cat mai bine. Cu toate acestea, atunci când depozitați sau transportați mărfuri periculoase, nu trebuie să țineți cont doar de clienți, ci trebuie să respectați și câteva reguli (inter) naționale. Și acest lucru nu este unul ușor. Pentru siguranța tuturor părților implicate, aceste reguli trebuie […]

Articole Dynamics 365 Business Central How to Layout TMS WMS

Save time: Run tasks automatically in Business Central

The desire for better insight and a greater level of convenience is nothing new for you. You may want an overview of what functions are launched during a certain status. Or your customer requests a weekly overview of stored and transported goods. To realize this for one task or customer is not so complicated. This […]

Articole TMS WMS

Package registration: prevent worries and automate administration tasks

As a logistic service provider, there is no escaping from it: package registration. Pallets, crates, tanks; there is an extensive trade in these packaging articles in your warehouse or trailers. In one shipment, you may receive a lot of these articles, when in the next you send almost everything back. Adding everything up, packaging represents […]

Articole Freight Forwarding TMS WMS

How does the new normal affect your warehouse, transportation and offices?

The worldwide pandemic of the coronavirus is still influencing most of our lives, luckily there are also positive trends in the numbers of people that are contaminated by the virus. Therefore, governments are already thinking about how we have to adjust our way of living in the next year, in order to prevent the coronavirus […]

Articole How to TMS

3 tips to create orders in record time

We all wish we had more time. So we’re all looking for ingenious ways to save time. Let Google search „save time” and you will receive about 5,040,000,000 results. Tips to save time in the morning, how to manage your mailbox and how to get through the working day more efficiently. Luckily, quick wins can […]

Articole Financiar TMS Transport rutier WMS

Trends and developments for logistics service providers in 2020

December. The month filled with festivities, happiness, (too much) lovely food and presents. And this fuss is something you as a logistics service provider experience the most. Because the more we consume, the more stores sell and the more you store and ship. After this month it is time again to look forward and I […]

Articole Financiar Freight Forwarding How to New features TMS WMS

How to: merge documents to each other on a sales invoice

Sending the right invoice is necessary for multiple reasons. Firstly, it seems unprofessional if you send the wrong one. Moreover it raises unnecessary questions at your customers. And of course, you need to answer these questions. Eventually it takes longer before you receive your revenue. Finally, your personnel spends too much time on fixing the […]

Articole EDI Evenimente Get started with data Power BI TMS Transport rutier WMS

Smart warehouse for logistics service providers: what is it?

Nowadays, many things around us are smart. You undoubtfully have a smartphone just like me. Maybe you even own a smartwatch. Also televisions, thermostats and fridges come in smart versions of themselves. Before you know it, your entire house is packed with smart articles. Does this make it a smart house? I do not think […]

Articole Financiar Freight Forwarding How to Servicii vamale Templates TMS Vama WMS

Adjusting booking groups after the Brexit: no big deal

When I look back in Boltrics’ blog overview, I can see that the first story we published about the Brexit already dates from June 2018. At this moment that is more than a year ago and in the meantime not much have changed. Alright, May got replaced by Johnson and recently, the House of Commons […]

Articole Financiar Freight Forwarding How to Microsoft TMS Transport rutier WMS

Update Currency Exchange Rates: easy automation

Last month, we elaborated in our blog on globalization and the role of customs within this trend. Besides the increasing pressure on border patrol, globalization also moves financial markets. Before, most companies only worked with their local currency. Nowadays, more and more companies are active in more than one country, or even in multiple continents. […]