Articole Financiar Implementare Transport rutier WMS

How to deal with the consequences of the corona epidemic

Obviously, a lot has changed over the last couple of months. Instead of bringing lunch to work, you eat at your own kitchen table. Your car is not going anywhere besides a trip to the supermarket. You are unable to visit customers and Microsoft Teams is your primary connection to the outside world. A lot […]

Articole Financiar TMS Transport rutier WMS

Trends and developments for logistics service providers in 2020

December. The month filled with festivities, happiness, (too much) lovely food and presents. And this fuss is something you as a logistics service provider experience the most. Because the more we consume, the more stores sell and the more you store and ship. After this month it is time again to look forward and I […]

Articole EDI Evenimente Get started with data Power BI TMS Transport rutier WMS

Smart warehouse for logistics service providers: what is it?

Nowadays, many things around us are smart. You undoubtfully have a smartphone just like me. Maybe you even own a smartwatch. Also televisions, thermostats and fridges come in smart versions of themselves. Before you know it, your entire house is packed with smart articles. Does this make it a smart house? I do not think […]

Articole Financiar How to Transport rutier

How to: Credit a booked invoice in 3PL Dynamics

As a logistics service provider, you have a lot on your mind. You mainly focus on optimally serving your customers by filling in their needs. This automatically means that you are training your personnel, continuously expanding your service portfolio and making your processes more efficient every day. In the issues of the day, it is […]

Articole Financiar Freight Forwarding How to Microsoft TMS Transport rutier WMS

Update Currency Exchange Rates: easy automation

Last month, we elaborated in our blog on globalization and the role of customs within this trend. Besides the increasing pressure on border patrol, globalization also moves financial markets. Before, most companies only worked with their local currency. Nowadays, more and more companies are active in more than one country, or even in multiple continents. […]

Articole Freight Forwarding How to TMS Transport rutier WMS

How do you arange your summer transmission?

For most people, summer is their favorite season. In general, the weather is nice, people are happy and children are free from school. And when children are on holiday, their parents usually take some time off as well. This is the reason why companies do not see summer as their favorite season. Many employees are […]

Articole New features TMS Transport rutier

Compare multiple suppliers and select the most economical option

Many transportation companies work with their own trucks as well with external carriers. In some cases, haulers choose to outsource transportation because their own resources are simply fully booked. Or when it turns out that when outsourcing a trip to a third party is cheaper for certain jobs. At the same time, suppliers often lack […]