Blog E-Fulfilment EDI WMS

Importanța actualizării datelor pentru a preveni erorile de integrare

Întotdeauna cele mai recente informații disponibile. Fără introducerea datelor in mai multe locuri, cu erori și consum de timp. Și actualizări automate către clienți cu privire la bunurile lor. Sună ca o utopie. Însă, cu ajutorul integrărilor, puteți realiza cu ușurință toate acestea. Prin EDI, puteți comunica cu toți clienții, furnizorii și alte organizații. De […]

Articole EDI How to

How to use the new possibilities of DataHub to your advantage

  The new version of DataHub (the EDI Platform made for and by Boltrics users) is ready to launch. This means that the DataHub environments of the current Boltrics users will be updated to this new version soon. Logically, the update raises personal questions like why is the DataHub environment updated? What are the benefits […]

Articole EDI Evenimente Get started with data Power BI TMS Transport rutier WMS

Smart warehouse for logistics service providers: what is it?

Nowadays, many things around us are smart. You undoubtfully have a smartphone just like me. Maybe you even own a smartwatch. Also televisions, thermostats and fridges come in smart versions of themselves. Before you know it, your entire house is packed with smart articles. Does this make it a smart house? I do not think […]

Articole EDI Servicii vamale

Selecting the right customs software, where to focus on?

With the booming stream of goods from China and the online globalization in general, the need for a correct adjustment with customs rises enormously. You want to get through your procedures as fast as possible, but this should not interfere the relationship with customs. Moreover, you need to live by the laws and rules of […]

Articole EDI Freight Forwarding Get started with data Ocean freight Transport aerian

The transition towards digital forwarding platforms

According to consultancy Transport Intelligence (Ti), forwarders that cannot offer transparency, easy quotation and booking options, and the desired level of customer services shippers demand will quickly lose customers to those that can. That is quite a statement. How do you make sure it won’t hit your business? Acting transparent to optimize the customer experience […]

Articole EDI Freight Forwarding Ocean freight Servicii vamale

How can logistics service providers profit from the emerging ports?

No background information? Go directly to how you can profit from the emerging ports! Lately, many positive news items were published concerning the achievements of the ports in the lowlands. For example, the Port of Rotterdam noted a record transfer in the first semester. Also, the Port of Antwerp booked the best quarter of its […]

Articole EDI Freight Forwarding TMS WMS

Affordable and fast EDI integrations via the DataHub

Nowadays, the majority of logistics service providers works digitally. The same applies for their clients. Many of them have even already booked the automation process. This applies to processes and, for example, communication. In most cases, this automation works through EDI. Practically everyone has heard about it, but many do not know where to start. […]