Articole How to New features Servicii vamale Vama

Prevent financial consequences by declaring transit documents too late

The international trade is slowly gaining strength again. In the last couple of months, it has been nothing but surviving for your company. However, now, it seems there is a glimmer of light on the horizon: foreign productions have started up again, the number of orders is rising and the prices in airfreight are going […]

Articole EDI Servicii vamale

Selecting the right customs software, where to focus on?

With the booming stream of goods from China and the online globalization in general, the need for a correct adjustment with customs rises enormously. You want to get through your procedures as fast as possible, but this should not interfere the relationship with customs. Moreover, you need to live by the laws and rules of […]

Articole Financiar Freight Forwarding How to Servicii vamale Templates TMS Vama WMS

Adjusting booking groups after the Brexit: no big deal

When I look back in Boltrics’ blog overview, I can see that the first story we published about the Brexit already dates from June 2018. At this moment that is more than a year ago and in the meantime not much have changed. Alright, May got replaced by Johnson and recently, the House of Commons […]

Articole EDI Freight Forwarding Ocean freight Servicii vamale

How can logistics service providers profit from the emerging ports?

No background information? Go directly to how you can profit from the emerging ports! Lately, many positive news items were published concerning the achievements of the ports in the lowlands. For example, the Port of Rotterdam noted a record transfer in the first semester. Also, the Port of Antwerp booked the best quarter of its […]

Articole Freight Forwarding Servicii vamale

Globalization and the increasing pressure on customs

Marco Polo, Christoffel Columbus and Abel Tasman. Three big explorers, who centuries ago set the first steps towards the world we all know now. Namely, the world in which you can chat, Facetime or send complete documents to a relative on the other side of the world in just a few milliseconds. Or the world […]

Articole Dynamics 365 Business Central How to Servicii vamale TMS WMS

Brexit how to: Create an external location in Dynamics Business Central

Coming Friday, it is time for another important Brexit moment. At least, this seems to be the case. Last week, the House of Commons voted four times no, which resulted in another period of insecurity. While we are this close to the deadline. For clarification, options for a customs union, a Norwegian model and a […]