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Smart warehouse for logistics service providers: what is it?

Nowadays, many things around us are smart. You undoubtfully have a smartphone just like me. Maybe you even own a smartwatch. Also televisions, thermostats and fridges come in smart versions of themselves. Before you know it, your entire house is packed with smart articles. Does this make it a smart house? I do not think […]

Articole Power BI TMS

OSCOT, one of the most important transportation KPIs

Not too long ago I orderer some office supplies via the webshop of a well-known retail chain. Which one exactly is not necessarily important, no need to smear. Despite the fact that I had placed the order well in advance – about a week before I needed the supplies – the retailer did not succeed […]

Articole Get started with data How to Order picking Power BI WMS

How to: Logistics KPI in practice – ABC Analysis

Would you like to see immediately how to set up the automatic ABC Analysis in Microsoft Dynamics? Set the values for ABC, watch the video at the bottom of this blog and set it up in just a minute! The efficiency of your warehouse stands or falls with a correct classification of the goods. The […]