Blog How to Microsoft WMS

Documente, AI și automatizare

Logistica concurează la nivel înalt și gestionează o echipă întreagă de parteneri. La pachet cu acestea vine o mulțime de documente însoțitoare. Dar introducerea manuală a facturilor și a altor documente separate probabil nu este una dintre activitățile tale preferate. Cu cea mai recentă tehnologie din Document Capture, acest lucru nu mai este necesar. Fie […]

Articole Blog Marfuri periculoase TMS WMS

Nu lăsați mărfurile periculoase să vă pericliteze procesele

Ca furnizor de servicii logistice, doriți să vă serviți clienții cat mai bine. Cu toate acestea, atunci când depozitați sau transportați mărfuri periculoase, nu trebuie să țineți cont doar de clienți, ci trebuie să respectați și câteva reguli (inter) naționale. Și acest lucru nu este unul ușor. Pentru siguranța tuturor părților implicate, aceste reguli trebuie […]

Articole Blog

Sectorul logistic în 2020: situația în curs

Iunie este luna a șasea, suntem la jumătatea anului 2020. Putem spune că anul acesta, până acum, a fost diferit pentru aproape toată lumea și prezintă provocări diferite pentru toate afacerile. Putem fi de acord asupra unui lucru: virusul corona a afectat și modificat aproape toate planurile și prognozele. Sau poate nu? Înainte de 2020, […]

Articole Dynamics 365 Business Central How to Layout TMS WMS

Save time: Run tasks automatically in Business Central

The desire for better insight and a greater level of convenience is nothing new for you. You may want an overview of what functions are launched during a certain status. Or your customer requests a weekly overview of stored and transported goods. To realize this for one task or customer is not so complicated. This […]

Articole New features Ocean freight Transport aerian

Some time to spare; copy information from your import-/export documents

We are always searching for ways to complete our activities faster, easier and more efficient. We do this in our private lives, as well as in our jobs. That makes sense, because the less time we waste on doing tasks manually, the more time we can spend on business we find the most important. This […]

Articole TMS WMS

Package registration: prevent worries and automate administration tasks

As a logistic service provider, there is no escaping from it: package registration. Pallets, crates, tanks; there is an extensive trade in these packaging articles in your warehouse or trailers. In one shipment, you may receive a lot of these articles, when in the next you send almost everything back. Adding everything up, packaging represents […]

Articole How to New features WMS

Gain insights into the most recent delivery status in two simple steps

Staying at home all day waiting for a package to be delivered are long gone. Nowadays, you receive a message at least a day upfront containing the estimated time of arrival, way before the actual delivery. In this way, the transporter and retailer want to inform us as good as possible. However, we do not […]

Articole How to New features Servicii vamale Vama

Prevent financial consequences by declaring transit documents too late

The international trade is slowly gaining strength again. In the last couple of months, it has been nothing but surviving for your company. However, now, it seems there is a glimmer of light on the horizon: foreign productions have started up again, the number of orders is rising and the prices in airfreight are going […]

Articole Financiar Implementare Transport rutier WMS

How to deal with the consequences of the corona epidemic

Obviously, a lot has changed over the last couple of months. Instead of bringing lunch to work, you eat at your own kitchen table. Your car is not going anywhere besides a trip to the supermarket. You are unable to visit customers and Microsoft Teams is your primary connection to the outside world. A lot […]

Articole How to New features WMS

Get insights into your inventory in a blink of an eye

In the last couple of months, the demand, turnover rate, and popularity of goods in your warehouse have been completely twisted. Home sports articles, food, and DIY tools golike hotcakes while other products may stay in your warehouse a lot longer. Your inventory management is tested to its limits. That and the fact that keeping […]