Articole EDI How to

How to use the new possibilities of DataHub to your advantage

  The new version of DataHub (the EDI Platform made for and by Boltrics users) is ready to launch. This means that the DataHub environments of the current Boltrics users will be updated to this new version soon. Logically, the update raises personal questions like why is the DataHub environment updated? What are the benefits of the new version? And what changes for me as a user? Keep reading to find the answers.

Collective customization

The new DataHub environment will rolled out to all users that are already using DataHub. When you have recently joined the Boltrics peloton, you can immediately use the new EDI platform. Besides all the benefits of the new version, we make sure that the Boltrics peloton is moving forward as a whole.

Future updates, installed in a sec

When expending our customer base, the variety of functionalities whished for by our customers is expanding too. When new customers ask for a certain functionality to be implemented, existing customers will profit and gain access to this functionality as well. Because of this progression, our customers are updated regularly. In the current situation, these updates take time and are difficult to plan. The new DataHub brings the solution. The latest version of DataHub makes installing updates a piece of cake. Every new functionality or every new version of our solution is automatically updated to your system when they are available. The updates can take place without disrupting the continuity of your business. Therefore, you are always up to date without complications.

Apart from this huge advantage, there are also some major improvements when it comes to the user interface. Enabling you to gain better insight into the process and to do an error analysis yourself. Thanks to this change, you won’t need our support team to find possible errors. Therefore, you can fix the problem a lot faster and a lot more efficient.

New customs flow, new possibilities

Besides the earlier discussed update, the customs flow is also updated. The first of these new flows are already live. In line with the earlier mentioned error analysis, you can now see and analyze the customs flow yourself too.

How to do this analysis yourself?

You can do it yourself following these five steps:

1. Navigate to ‘my exports’ in the DataHub (Departments >> Management >> Logistic Set-up >> DataHub >> Configuration >> My Exports).

Here you see the DataHub interfaces. In the area ‘Last Error’, you can directly see the last error that has occurred. Next to it, you see the notification you have received in your mailbox.

Bi-directional communication of messages from and to your customers start with an Export (Export ‘customer’ to import ‘message NAV 365 BC’ or export ‘message NAV 365 BC’ to import ‘customer’).

2. Click on ‘No of Transactions’ to see all flows within the specific interface. When an error has occurred, the flow will be marked red.

3. By clicking on ‘original message’, you can download the original message as sent.

4. Underneath ‘3PL DH Flow Transactions’, you can see the corresponding import. The import “imports” the message to its final destination and applies a transformation when necessary. By clicking on ‘Download final message’, you can see the message like it was sent. If an error has occurred, you can see this in ‘Error Log’.

5. Take into consideration that the time needed to present the flow depends on the set up ‘Days back to show history’. The size of this period is also influencing the time after which an error is shown. To analyze errors precisely, but still finding out about it quickly enough, we advise a period of approximately 4/5 days.

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