Articole New features Ocean freight Transport aerian

Some time to spare; copy information from your import-/export documents

We are always searching for ways to complete our activities faster, easier and more efficient. We do this in our private lives, as well as in our jobs. That makes sense, because the less time we waste on doing tasks manually, the more time we can spend on business we find the most important. This […]

Articole Financiar Freight Forwarding How to New features Ocean freight

Outsource services and invoice third parties correctly

As a freight forwarder within ocean freight, you often work together with several parties on one order, to deliver the best service possible. Depending on the Incoterms, this can lead you to charging your services not to your client (usually the owner of the goods), but to another third party In the overview below, this […]

Articole Freight Forwarding Ocean freight

The 10 largest containers ships in the world

Recently I did some research on the 10 largest warehouses in the world and their actual size. Luckily, you know which warehouse is on top of that list. So now we can go on to the next logistics giants of the world: container ships. Because you as a freight forwarder know just like me – […]

Articole EDI Freight Forwarding Get started with data Ocean freight Transport aerian

The transition towards digital forwarding platforms

According to consultancy Transport Intelligence (Ti), forwarders that cannot offer transparency, easy quotation and booking options, and the desired level of customer services shippers demand will quickly lose customers to those that can. That is quite a statement. How do you make sure it won’t hit your business? Acting transparent to optimize the customer experience […]

Articole EDI Freight Forwarding Ocean freight Servicii vamale

How can logistics service providers profit from the emerging ports?

No background information? Go directly to how you can profit from the emerging ports! Lately, many positive news items were published concerning the achievements of the ports in the lowlands. For example, the Port of Rotterdam noted a record transfer in the first semester. Also, the Port of Antwerp booked the best quarter of its […]