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Compare multiple suppliers and select the most economical option

Many transportation companies work with their own trucks as well with external carriers. In some cases, haulers choose to outsource transportation because their own resources are simply fully booked. Or when it turns out that when outsourcing a trip to a third party is cheaper for certain jobs. At the same time, suppliers often lack insight into costs and benefits, so the aforementioned consideration is easier said than done. Do you have a clear picture of what an order will bring you? Or do you feel you miss a clear overview to determine whether you or an external party must handle a specific order? A clear supplier comparison makes your job a lot easier.

Compare the different options directly in your TMS

That’s why Boltrics offers the possibility to compare supplier prices from different contracts with each other. You can find this functionality on the trip in your Transport Management System.

How to compare suppliers in the webclient

Compare suppliers and select the most economical option | BoltricsHow to compare suppliers in the windowsclientCompare suppliers and select the most economical option | Boltrics

Take surcharges into account in the comparison

In a competitive domain like the transportation sector, each participant tries to distinguish himself in a different way. Some carriers are specialized in groupage, in Full Truck Loads or focus on a specific region. In many cases, they do this by charging more surcharges for one service than for another. In this way, they remain the cheapest supplier in their expertise. It is impossible for you to know what each carrier charges surcharges for. Luckily, the supplier comparison in Boltrics ’TMS takes into account all surcharges stated in the supplier contracts. That way you won’t be confronted with surprises.

From order to invoice in the Transport Management System

How does it work? First of all, you receive a transportation order from one of your customers. Your employee will review this request and enter the order. This employee then chooses the cheapest carrier, which can also be your own company. If that succeeded, the driver leaves with the load at a given moment. Has the order been delivered and is it necessary to add the signed CMR to the invoice? The order is then placed in a certain status reminding your colleagues to perform this check. As soon as the CMR has been received, the order can be prepared for invoicing. When the invoice is approved, it is shared with the customer – if required with the required documents.

More insight into your margins with supplier comparison

This functionality helps you increase your insight into specific transportation orders. But also supports you to gain more clarity upfront about the costs and benefits that the order entails. Are you ready to improve your profitability? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help you out.

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